Where to Begin (For Assistants)

To start using WellPrept as an assistant, you need first to accept the invitation your doctor sends you and then sign up for WellPrept if this is the first time you have used it. Have you used WellPrept before for another doctor? If yes, then in this case, your doctor still needs to send an invite, which you need to accept and log in to your WellPrept account.

Want to know how to accept the invitation and log into your account? Follow the articles below:

If you don't need help accepting the invitation and signing up, you can start by exploring your WellPrept Assistant Dashboard, viewing history and sending messages to the patients. The following articles can help you do that effectively.

Or directly go to the Getting Started 🚀 guide in this help center to learn more about how to use WellPrept for Assistants with no confusion.

Have you got any questions in mind? Then, head over to our FAQs section 📖 to find answers to all the general questions assistants ask while using WellPrept.

If you still need help, contact us at 📧 help@wellprept.com.


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