Accept the Invitation (For 1st Time Users)

WellPrept for Assistants allows assistants to share condition pages with the patients through SMS/Email on the doctor's behalf. If you're an assistant wanting to use WellPrept for the first time, follow the instructions below.

Before you proceed with the steps, ensure that your doctor has invited you to WellPrept as a teammate. If not, refer them to this article 👉 Managing Assistants' Accounts.

Login to Your Email Account and Look for the Invitation

  • Go to your email provider, for example, Gmail, and log in to your email account where your doctor has sent you the invitation.

  • Then, look for the invitation email.
WellPrept Invitation Email
  • Look for an email titled Welcome to WellPrept and open it.
Invitation Email With the Activation Button and Link
  • As you open the invitation email, you'll find its content like the above.

Accept the Invitation

  • In the email, click the Accept Invitation button to accept the invitation to join WellPrept as a teammate.

  • Head over to the button and simply click it.

  • If you face any issues clicking the button, you can open the link mentioned in the email to accept the invitation.

  • Go to the URL and click on it to open it directly. Or you can copy it by right-clicking on it and pasting it into a new tab.

  • If you're a new user, it directs you to the Register page to complete the process to join WellPrept as a teammate.

Sign Up

WellPrept Sign Up Page
  • On the register page, you'll find fields like the ones above.
  • Here:
    • Check your email address.
    • Then, enter your password.
    • Confirm the password by retyping it.
    • And in the end, click on the Sign Up button.
  • As you click the signup button, it will log you into the WellPrept Assistant Dashboard. The Assistant Dashboard looks like the following, with details of the doctor you're assisting.
WellPrept Assistant Dashboard

That's it; you have successfully signed up for WellPrept as a teammate. Now, explore the Assistant Dashboard to make the most out of it.


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