Bulk Send (For Assistants)

Do you need to send/share condition pages from your Assistant Dashboard to the patient? Then, you're in luck 🍀 because WellPrept makes it super easy to share the condition pages with the patient via SMS and/or Email with a personalized message.

Furthermore, you can add multiple condition pages for a single patient as well as multiple at the same time. You'll love ❤️ WellPrept for this! Whether assisting a single provider (doctor) or multiple, you can send the pages to the patient hassle-free.

Just follow the steps mentioned in this article, and you're good to go. Or you can watch the video above. ☝🏻

Single Provider (Assisting Only One Doctor)

If you're assisting only a single provider, then in that case, you need to log in to your Assistant Dashboard first and then access the Send to Patient option. Follow the below steps to learn how to do that:

  1. Open your Assistant Dashboard. It looks like the following with the details of your doctor(provider) you're assisting.
Assistant Dashboard
  1. To access the Send to Patient option, go to the menu icon and click on it.

  1. The menu will showcase multiple options, so from there, click on Send to Patient.

  1. As soon as you click the button, a popup containing different options will appear, like the one below.
Send to Patient Options
  1. In the popup, you can:
    • Select the Date the patient will visit.
    • Enter the patient's phone number where you want to share the condition pages through SMS.
    • Enter the patient's email address where you want to share the condition pages through SMS.
    • Write a custom message.
    • Select a condition page.

  1. Enter the details as appropriate, and once done, click the Submit button to send the message to the patient.
Option to Add New Fields
  1. If you need to send multiple conditions to the patient, click on the [+] plus button, and you can find more fields to add the details. Simply repeat the details of the patient, but in the Condition option, select the other condition you want to send. 

Note: Sharing multiple conditions with a patient will result in separate messages, regardless of SMS or email. By selecting SMS, a separate SMS of the conditions will be sent. If email is selected, separate emails of the conditions will be sent to them. Choosing both options will result in separate SMS and email notifications for each condition. 

How to Send to Multiple Patients

  • The same [+] feature allows you to send messages to multiple patients in a single go. To do that, you need to enter the other patient's details in the new fields and select the appropriate condition.

  • Once done, click on the Submit button.

Multiple Providers (Assisting More than One Doctor)

If you are assisting multiple providers (doctors), then in that case, you need to select the doctor whose patients you need to send the messages. To do that, follow the below steps:

  • First, log in to your Assistant account. Upon login, you'll find the dashboard like the following,

  • Now, go to the Currently Assisting section and click the button.

  • This will open a drop-down menu with details of the doctors you are assisting.
Switching Provider

Editing or Deleting the Messages

While adding details for the SMS/Email in the new fields, if you need to edit or delete the previous message(s) you've created, all you need to do is click on the [✎] edit icon to edit the message or click on the 🗑 trash icon to delete the message.

Edit and Delete Safety Options

Simply go to the [] edit icon of the field that's not active and click on it. It will enable the fields, and you can make your own changes.

Likewise, go to the 🗑 trash icon of the field that's not active and click on it, and your message will be deleted.

Ensure you delete the message after careful thought because you cannot bring it back once you delete it. That's gone for good.

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