Condition Pages
Condition Pages are the resources you can share with your patients under your specialty. When you create a condition page, it's displayed under the Resources section on each of your WellPrept pages like this:
The condition page can include links to whatever external resources you like (Your uploaded handouts, PDFs, articles, podcasts, etc.,) videos and medications.
You can create a condition page from scratch once you've completed the onboarding process.
Or, while you're in the onboarding process, let WellPrept create it for you based on your specialty. Find more details about pre-built condition pages on the Onboarding Process user guide.
Condition pages are the essential aspects of your WellPrept resource center that will help you educate your patients before the visit, when they visit, and after the visit without you being directly involved in the process of explaining things time and time again.
This will allow you to spend time on the real stuff (doctoring) instead of reciting your spiels. The actions you can perform regarding condition pages are:
Explore the above resources to create or optimize your condition pages.