Changing the Order of Pages

After creating the condition page, it will be stacked on top of the page's list (My Pages section) by default. And based on that order of listing, it's displayed on your WellPrept profile in the front end.

Condition Pages List

For instance, the above pages would be displayed on your profile in the same order as the following example.

Condition Pages View on the Main Page

Fortunately, you can reorder them, so your highly viewed/essential condition page can be displayed to your patients first. To learn how to reorder condition pages, follow the below steps.


Reordering Condition Pages

In your My Pages section of the WellPrept Dashboard:

  • Click on the ↑↓ reordering button.
Condition Page Reorder Option

This will enable the drag option to reorder the pages.

  • Simply go to the dragger ⁝⁝ of the condition page you want to reorder. Hold the dragger and reorder the page.

Likewise, you can reorder other pages according to your requirements. Once done reordering:

  • Click the Save button to apply changes.
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