Onboarding Process

The onboarding process lets you create your WellPrept account in an organized and effective way. It provides you with easy-to-use options that enable you to highlight your practice and all the essential details of your clinic so that patients can reach out to you whenever needed.


Sign Up/Create an Account on WellPrept

To use WellPrept and enhance your clinic day, you need to create an account.

Visit the following website:

https://wellprept.com/ ↗️ and click on the User Login button.

WellPrept User Login Option
WellPrept User Login Option

And it will take you to the login window that you can also access directly using the URL: https://app.wellprept.com/ ↗️ 

WellPrept login page
Login Page

You will then need to enter your details to sign up. Alternatively, you can use the pre-defined login methods to finish signing up quickly.

Sign Up Page

Once you've completed the sign-up, the onboarding process will start. Follow the instructions in the next section of this article to complete the onboarding process of WellPrept.

Before signing up for the WellPrept platform, please visit our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy pages and read through all the points. Creating an account simply means you agree to our T&Cs and Privacy Policies.

Follow the Onboarding Process

You can watch the video, or if you prefer the text instructions, then continue with the following steps.

Onboarding Process Step 1 - Basic Details
Onboarding Process Step 1 - Basic Details

The Onboarding Process will start with (Step 1) asking for basic details such as your name. Add your details and then click on the Next button.

The 2nd step will ask you to enter details about where you are located.

Onboarding Process Step 2 - Location Details
Onboarding Process Step 2 - Location Details

First, select your country from the dropdown menu and then enter your city. Then, click on the Next button.

Occasionally, users from outside the US will run into problems. If this happens, please contact us at help@wellprept.com

Onboarding Process Step 3 - Choosing Training Status
Onboarding Process Step 3 - Choosing Training Status

3rd step will require you to define your practice/training status. If you're under a residency or fellowship training program, select Yes. Otherwise, click No.

Onboarding as a Resident/Fellow

If you are not a resident/fellow, click here 👉 Onboarding as an MD to continue with the onboarding process.

Graduation date selector
Graduation Date Selector

When you select Yes, you will be prompted to choose your residency/fellowship training graduation date.

Filling degree and specialty details in WellPrept onboarding process.
Filling Degree and Specialty Details.

Select the date, and you will get a form to enter details about your degree, specialty, and contact details.

Profile Overview During Onboarding.

Once you're done adding the specialty and contact information, review them and click Next.

Selecting Conditions Under Specialty.

This will open up another onboarding step with a field to specify the conditions you treat. Select the conditions as appropriate and then click Next. You can always add more later if needed.

Moving Forward With Selected Conditions.

You can also click the Skip for now button to skip this step. Both options will direct you to add a photo.

Adding photo for WellPrept profile during onboarding process.
Photo Option.

Click here 👉 Continue After Specialty and Conditions to continue in the onboarding process.

Onboarding as a fully trained provider

Opting as a Non-Resident/Fellow Doctor.
Opting as a Non-Resident/Fellow Practitioner.

For your resident or fellowship status, if you select No, you'll be forwarded to the auto-generated NPI records under your name (if found).

NPI registry option in WellPrept.
NPI Records Window.

If the records that are generated are correct, select them, and you'll be directed to select your specialty.

If the records aren't yours, click the None of these are me option. It will direct you to a new submission form where you can enter your NPI details.

Adding Degree and Specialty When NPI Records Not Found.

You could enter all the details one by one or use the Enter my NPI Number option to fetch details from the NPI Registry.

Fetching NPI Records Using NPI Number

After entering the details, you'll be presented with the option to choose the main conditions you treat.

Selecting Conditions Under Specialty.

Select as many conditions as you want.

Moving Forward With Selected Conditions.

After selecting the conditions, click on the Next button. Or you can choose to skip this step by clicking the Skip for now. Both options will lead you to the next step, where you need to add your photo.

Profile Photo Option.

Move to the following section to continue further in the Onboarding process.

Continue After Specialty and Conditions

If our system doesn't have conditions for the specialty you've trained under, then you'll see the following alert with the options:

Options When Seed Content Not Found.
  • Get Started myself.
  • Contact me later.

The Contact me later option will end your onboarding process, and you will need to wait for an email to be notified once we have the pages for conditions under your specialty. If you don't want to wait to create condition pages on your own, you can click the Get started myself button, which will allow you to add your photo.

Adding Profile Photo in WellPrept.

On the adding photo step:

  1. Click on the Upload Photo button.
  2. Then, click the Add Photo button.
  3. After that, browse for the photo you want to use for the WellPrept profile. Select it.
  4. Then, use the slider to zoom in or out on the photo. Or drag to reposition.
  5. If you're satisfied with your profile photo, then click Save.
Email Verification Step.

Once the photo is uploaded, you'll see the window above notifying you that your profile has been created on WellPrept. The next step is to confirm your account, and for that, you need to check your email.

If there's a mistake with your email, you should correct it, or if you want to use another email, you can enter that as well. Sometimes, it might take time to receive the confirmation email; if so, you can use the Resend Email function. If you never receive it, contact us at help@wellprept.com

Complete Email Verification

To complete the onboarding process, you need to verify your email address. When you finish adding your photo, an email will be sent to your email address.

Verification Email.

The email contains the button Verify Email Address, which enables you to finish the verification process quickly. If you have trouble using the button, click on the link provided in the email. You'll be redirected to the WellPrept login page.

WellPrept Login Page.

Use your details to log in, and you'll find your WellPrept dashboard as the following.

WellPrept Dashboard.

That's it; you've successfully completed the onboarding process. Now, explore the different features of WellPrept and make the most of your clinic day.

You can start by exploring parts of WellPrept.


WellPrept Parts.


What Is WellPrept?

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