Sharing With Patients (The Profile)

Sharing your WellPrept pages with your patients is one of the essential tasks you'd like to perform while utilizing WellPrept's other options.

By sharing your pages, you can provide your patients with resources to help them learn more about their condition. In addition, your profile includes contact details and other information about you, allowing patients to begin to develop trust in your expertise even before arriving.

The following sections will help you learn how to do it effectively.

Profile Sharing (Using QR Code)

In order to share your profile with your patients using a QR code, first log in to your WellPrept account.

Follow 👉 this guide to learn How to log in to WellPrept.

Once you're logged into your WellPrept account, you'll find its dashboard with a QR code like the following.

QR Code With Profile Main Page Link

Here, simply take a screenshot of your QR code and share it with your patients. You can also print it out and let them scan it. When they scan it, they'll find the URL to visit your profile.

WellPrept profile frontend view
Main Page

When they open the URL, your profile will look like the above page.

Profile Sharing (Using the URL)

If you can't take a screenshot of your QR code for some reason, you can share the URL of your profile instead.

To do so, first, click on the About Me option.

Accessing WellPrept About Me Section

This will open the fields where you can add information regarding yourself.

Accessing the Change My WellPrept URL.

Here, simply scroll down to Change My WellPrept URL.

Then, copy the URL and share it with your patients.

Alternatively, you can share your profile using the Preview option as well. Follow the below steps.

When you open the About Me section, you'll find the Preview button in the top right corner.

Click on it, and it will open the profile page.

Simply go to the address bar, copy the URL before the question mark (?), and share it with your patients. That's it; you've successfully shared your profile.


Where to Begin


Main Category.

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